Freezerworks Unlimited vs Basic: A Complete Comparison
Freezerworks Basic and Freezerworks Unlimited Comparison – Key Differences
1. Number of User-Defined Fields (UDFs) and entry screens available for use, and what you can do with the fields
Freezerworks Basic allows 21 UDFs at the sample record level, all on a single entry screen. All users use the same entry screen. Numeric, alpha-numeric, date, time, and text field types are available, and some can contain a drop-down list or a user modifiable drop-down list. Numeric fields can include valid ranges, and any field can be marked as “required”, which means that a record cannot be saved unless the field contains a value.
Freezerworks Unlimited allows for an unlimited number of UDFs at both the sample and aliquot (individual tube/specimen) record level, and the fields can appear on an unlimited number of entry screens. Each entry screen can have multiple tabbed pages to track as much information as you want on your samples. Freezerworks Unlimited allows for the creation of “smart” UDFs that can contain auto-generated numbers, numeric/date/text calculations, default values, valid ranges, filtered drop-down lists based on the value of another field, unique values, and the concatenation and parsing of field data. Any field can be marked as “required”.
2. Levels of Security
Freezerworks Basic allows for three types of security: System Administrator (full access), Data Entry (can do everything except set up users and configure the screen), and View Only.
Freezerworks Unlimited has a comprehensive set of security features. Users are granted permissions for specific functionality that they are allowed to perform in the software. This includes sample ownership administration, where access is granted or denied based on sample ownership. Users can also be assigned to groups, and those groups assigned to the various entry screens, freezers, data views, and other functionality in the software. Freezerworks Unlimited allows for centrally administrated workgroups to operate either independently, collaboratively, or a combination of the two within the system.
3. Bar Code Functionality
Freezerworks Basic features the ability to create and print bar codes for either samples or aliquots. Bar codes can be created that are unique to the sample, and/or unique to the aliquot. Bar code use in Basic is for positively identifying a specimen to ensure that the proper record in the database is selected for that specimen, and for scanning a batch of aliquots to bring up a selection of their corresponding records in the database. The QC Check Freezer option allows you to scan the vials in a container and verify that the results match the database.
Freezerworks Unlimited has all of the features described above, plus the ability to verify that the correct samples are pulled for shipping. An additional option allows you to print different label formats for a group of samples and aliquots based on the entry in a selected field. For example, during a label printing session for a number of samples, if “Aliquot Type” equals “DNA”, then the label printed for those records may use a format with certain fields, while those with an “RNA” Aliquot Type would use a different format of selected fields, and “Buffy Coat” labels may have a third label format, and so on.
4. Sample Batch Processing
Freezerworks Basic allows for the import of sample data from external files to add, update, and/or delete batches of records in a single process.
Freezerworks Unlimited has many features for working with samples in batches. You can use a batch process to add and/or update sample and aliquot data, and batch create records by auto-generating samples, or by scanning sample bar codes. You can also reassign freezer positions, create transactions, and process shipments using batch procedures.
5. Batch Entry – Long Term vs. Short Term Storage
Freezerworks Basic has a feature called CLIP (Clinical Lab Inventory Program) which is very useful for the quick entry of vials for short-term storage. Users can take a batch of tubes and scan each one into a precise location in a container, filling the container in a matter of minutes to place into a refrigerator or freezer, where they will sit for a set amount of time (e.g., a week). Little or no data is entered for each tube beyond its identifier, location, and discard date. If an additional test is requested on a tube, it can be located quickly. Those not used are easily marked for discarding. Freezerworks Basic is adept at handling both long-term and short-term storage.
Freezerworks Unlimited has the same batch entry capabilities as CLIP, but is designed for developing kits or preparing for clinical trial samples coming in for long-term or short-term storage. Batch Entry in Freezerworks Unlimited is more designed for anticipating samples and aliquots that will come in for storage, and therefore need labels and perhaps container “reservations” for different kinds of sample/aliquot types.
What kind of hotel are you running for your samples? If you think of your repository as a hotel, then the Freezerworks Basic CLIP feature is a “Motel 6”— designed for an unknown number of tubes that will be staying for a short period of time. You know a large number are arriving and leaving every day, you just don’t know who they are and you don’t accept reservations. Freezerworks Unlimited is more of a “Hilton” or a resort. Reservations are made for pre-planned visits and the rooms are prepared according to certain expectations and amenities (which can be easily adjusted as needed).
6. Data Integration / Modular Functionality
Freezerworks Basic has a built-in SQL database engine that greatly improves the performance of the database. Data can be retrieved via open SQL through an ODBC connection. Not only is the data structure optimized, but you can set indexing parameters for even faster searching. Data searches are highly efficient, even if your database contains tens of millions of records.
Freezerworks Unlimited uses the same SQL database engine as Freezerworks Basic. Available for Freezerworks Unlimited is an add-on data integration module called the SOAP Server. The SOAP Server Module allows for remote searching of the Freezerworks Unlimited database via an internet connection. It is also an API for your developer to interface other systems with Freezerworks Unlimited.
Freezerworks Unlimited has several add-on modules available:
The Test Ordering Module for Freezerworks Unlimited enables efficient test ordering, tracking the chain of custody, and recording and reporting results for tests performed on your samples.
The Billing Module for Freezerworks Unlimited enables you to track billing for internal and external customers. Easily manage invoicing and payments received for storage and retrieval, testing services, sale of samples, and other user-defined services or products for your biobank or biorepository.