Study Management Part 6: Receive Pregenerated Visits
Part 6 of the Study Management video series explains what to do after receiving pre-generated Visits. After the Visit has been completed and the data has been collected, learn how to enter that data into Freezerworks.
Introduction to Pregenerated Kit Reception– 00:00
Hi there, and welcome to part 6 of our look at Freezerworks Pinnacle. Last Time we created kits for our study, blank or ‘agnostic’ kits for future enrollments, and kits specific to existing enrolled patients. Now let's imagine all those Visits have taken place and the kits have been sent back to us - let's receive them and actually add them to our database.
Receive Pregenerated Visit Kits – 00:35
To begin receiving pregenerated data, open Inventory Mgmt - Receive Samples for Study. You'll then see this mini menu, (We will go over receiving new samples in a future video), for now, click Receive Pregenerated Samples. You'll next need to determine whether you are receiving a whole kit, a batch of samples (possibly from numerous kits), or boxes of aliquots (possibly from numerous kits as well). We'll go through each method over the course of the next two videos, but note that the process remains largely the same every time.
Scan Visit Kits – 01:15
For this video, let's scan visit kits. You’ll be taken to the Receive Visits form. The top box is where you will do your scanning, the second box is where the samples expected for the scanned visit will appear, and the third box is where the aliquots expected to be created from the scanned visit will appear. So, pull out the kit you're receiving and scan the label attached to it. When scanning samples and aliquots, you'll be able to select a different scan field, that is the field on the labels you are scanning, but with visits, you are restricted to using the Freezerworks Visit ID (currently at least). So, scan the ID or enter it and click Add. Now, this first scan I've done is for an ‘agnostic’ kit I created from inside my study’s configuration. Thus, I need to provide a Participant Study ID to match with the kit and its pregenerated data. Enter it and click Continue. The three boxes will fill in with the information contained in the scanned visit.
The first box lists the study you're working with, the participant ID connected to the kit, the visit the kit is for, and the site where the visit took place (which is always modifiable). The Visit Date and Visit Length will be empty - you can choose to fill them in now or later inside the visit record. If you need to re-scan for any reason, click Re-scan. Otherwise, move on to the second box, where the sample expected for the scanned visit is listed, with the field data that was set up when modeling our visits. Use the received check boxes to check off any samples you did not receive with the kit. Checking off a sample will remove the aliquots to be created from said sample from the list box at the bottom. You can also check off individual aliquots, say, if not enough of the sample was collected to create all the expected aliquots. I'll check off two aliquots so you can see how discrepancies work in the end. Finally, if you included Freezer Position as a field for your modeled aliquots (when you're modeling your visits), you can double-click your aliquots and change the selected Freezer Section. At the moment this is the only field you can edit when receiving samples. So, everything looks good to me, let's click Continue.
Ordering Tests based on the received samples – 03:40
You'll next receive the list of tests that are to be ordered based on the received samples (so samples and aliquot that were checked off will not have their tests displayed). Simply check off any tests you do not want to order, I'll order them all, and then click Continue again.
Reason for Discrepancies Message – 03:57
Now I'm given this Discrepancy Reason message. This is where I can provide a reason why certain samples, aliquots, or tests expected for the visit were not fulfilled. I got this message since I checked off two of my aliquots. The discrepancy reason will appear inside the visit record we'll see in a minute. So I'll enter my reason, and click Continue. The program will then ask if I'd like to continue receiving samples or go to the inventory list view to see what I have received so far.
Scanning a ‘non-agnostic’ kit – 04:30
I'm going to keep going so you can see how scanning a ‘non-agnostic’ kit looks. Right, let’s add a Visit Date, a Visit Length, and let's say I didn't get my sample two. Click Continue again and I receive this message once more, this time I'll click No. Now I am returned to the inventory list view where the samples I have just received are listed. If I go to the patient's tab, the patients I received those samples for are listed as well and if I go to the visits tab, the visits I just received are listed as well, and I can open their records and see what was received in comparison to what was actually modeled. As you can see, the Discrepancy Reason is here as well and the Visit Date and Length of Visit, which I'll fill in now.
Conclusion – 05:42
And that about does it for receiving entire pregenerated kits. In our next video we'll receive individual samples and aliquots. Thank you for watching and see you next time!